Monday, June 25, 2012

Announcment of the Prude

So! For the next 6 months we shall be adding a new photo and journal segment! Maybe I'm not so much of a prude because this Hot Toddy is knocked up!

It has actually been a long time coming. It took about 6 months of trying before we got it right and it was pretty frustrating since It happened on the first try with Lumps! Finally in April I got a little feeling it might have finally happened and sure enough 2 pink lines! I couldn't keep it in!!!! I think I was able to stay quiet for about a week before I announced it on Facebook! Then I joined a group of other pregnant ladies and started to freak out. Every day we would lose a member and I was freaking out. I decided then I would not post on the blog about it until the second trimester. Well I made it! I am was 14 weeks on Monday. I am in the second trimester and semi in the clear. The risk of miscarriage drops drastically. I am excited to share this with you all!

14 weeks first week in the second trimester. 

 PS:  This first post is actually starting a week late. Today actually marks 15wks