Thursday, April 11, 2013

Baby Hulk ~ If I Could Go Back In Time

I love my life with Baby Hulk in it. Just yesterday on a Target run I passed the same two women with their same two screaming babies multiple times while Baby Hulk just sat in the sling staring up at me like I am the most wonderful thing in existence. I wouldn't dream of having it any other way, but for some reason I still find myself being sad for Pru of the past. Very often, probably more than not, looking at pictures of myself while I was pregnant makes me sad for me. Look how happy and unaware I was.

I had no idea how much my life was about to change and I just wish I could go back and warn me so I could be ready for it. I want to go all the way back and say, "Hey Pru, this baby is going to have down syndrome, but don't worry because he is beautiful and amazing and you will love him to pieces," because I hate when I get teary eyed when I think back on my pregnancy, birth, and up until I was finally able to just be happy. When I reread that first post about Baby Hulk, I wish I could have helped past me. I wish I could think back on it all as a happy time. To have known that everything is going to be fine and just be happy. I am SO happy now! Baby Hulk is the perfect last child. He is super sweet and easy. He hardly ever cries and even when he does it is always super easy to soothe him. He is still so tiny, so I'm getting to hang on to my tiny baby for longer, which is something all moms dream of getting to do! I shamefully even find myself pitying other parents with their always screaming babies. Ha! Mine is fantastic! Way better than your little diva child that won't even let you sit down or go shopping!

But I still wish someone had told me.


  1. Baby Hulk is a beautiful blessing.
    Hypothetically, if you were to get pregnant again, would you opt for more extensive genetic testing? And if you know ahead of time that the baby was going to have down syndrome, do you think it would have better prepared you for the future?

    1. No, I still wouldn't. I imagine finding out through genetic testing is just as scary. The only real preparing you need is emotional. If I had known I could have avoided my initial response when I first saw him and knew he had down syndrome which still makes me feel horrible but I still wouldn't have known if he would pass his hearing test or eye exams or if his heart was okay or any of that had I had the genetic testing. I probably still would have been stressing over that.

  2. I always wish present me could help past me. But even if I could, I wouldn't have listened to myself! Your bebe is presioso

    1. That's why it has to be me! I doubt I would listen to anyone else!

  3. Look at that sweet precious baby, growing and getting stronger. It sounds as if mama is getting stronger, too. This is a blessing baby, blessing mama and darling husband, and his brothers.

  4. Beautifully put! I love this post so much, and I wish you could share it with every single family expecting a baby with Down syndrome. You are one good mama!

  5. What a sweet boy! I just want to snuggle him.

