Thursday, April 18, 2013

Baby Hulk ~ Darling Husband Saves the Day

Darling Husband is my hero. More so, he is Baby Hulk's hero, he just doesn't know it. I have no idea what I would have done in this situation, I probably would have just shouted nonsense and then cried because my mouth doesn't work when I am angry, which frustrates me to the point of tears.  Enough intro though!

Yesterday morning Darling Husband stopped at the Shell Station to get a caffeinated beverage on his way in to open up at work at 7am.  The cashier greeted Darling Husband and Darling Husband replied, "Good morning, how's it going?" 
     "Ugh, just cleaning up after retards all morning"....Ummmm are you freaking kidding me!? Dude's at work talking to customers like this!?
     Darling Husband glares at the guy as he was paying, and was going to let it slide, he told me he was thinking, "I don't know this guy, couldn't give a f$*k about him, it's not worth getting mad over."
     So he tried to move along and then the guy says, "Don't you just love all these f#@king retards?"  
     Well Darling Husband had had enough! He turned around and said, "Actually, my son has Down syndrome and I don't like the fact that you are throwing that word around like it's nothing, and in a place of business at that."

Three cheers for Darling Husband!!!!! 

The cashier was super embarrassed and apologized about five times as Darling Husband was walking out. He says he felt like an a-hole, but it pushed him too far. He says he wasn't rude to him at all, he just had to let him know. 

I am so proud of him. I am glad he is mine.

a little bit of Baby Hulk mean muggin'


  1. I'm so glad your husband let him know what an insensitive jerk he was being. I bet that guy will think twice before ever throwing that word around again!

  2. My big brother is MY hero. Always has been and now even more so.

    I love you guys!

  3. Aww I love your baby...when my baby was little I would get freaked out when people told me" she's so cute I could just eat her up!" But he's cute enough to eat! Do people say that there? Or is it a country thing?

    1. OH no everybody says that. It is just so wierd becuase I really feel that way!

    2. I have definitely heard that before! I think everyone feels that way. I learned an awesome Tagalog word that I think we really need because I totally understand. It's "gigil" and it means the urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute. Baby Hulk is most definitely unbearably cute!

  4. Good JOB Darling Husband.

  5. You are so right your Darling Husband is a real HERO for putting this guy in his place!

  6. Way to go Darling Husband. We need more of you out there!

  7. This post made me so proud and also made me feel as if I wanted to cry. A big hip hip hooray for your husband. Like you, when I am angry, I get so flustered, I can't think of anything to say...until 3 hours later, after I have stewed and I have come up with about 8 different things I 'should have' said. I am impressed that your husband put himself out there and spoke his mind. Your son is ADORABLE. Proud to 'know' both you and your husband.
