Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sleeping Russell ~ An ENGINE!

Sleeping Russell woke me up early this morning:

"What's that? He asks me.
"What?" I ask not, fully awake "What's what?
Sleeping Russell grabs my hand and holds it out flat and places something very tiny in my palm and closes my hand around it.
Afraid I'll drop whatever he just put in my hand, In my groggy state, I am thinking perhaps the ball from my lip ring has come off and he found it. Whatever was in my hand was so tiny I couldn't even feel it... I ask him again. "What is it?" I'm not sure why I thought he knew what it was when he was the first one to ask what it was, but it was almost 4am and I was half asleep myself. That is, until he told me what it was...
"It's an ENGINE!" he declares.
Finally I am awake and realise what is going on here. "An engine?"
"Mmh hm!" Sleeping Russell says, eyes wide with childlike excitement while I stare at him like he is a crazy person. Then he rolls over and goes back to sleep, and I grab my phone so I can write it all down before I forget exactly how hilarious my husband is when he is sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. He's so funny! I caught myself dozing off to sleep land last night making noises as I was falling asleep. Colt laughed. He says I make strange noises and grind my teeth really bad. Coen got the teeth grinding trait from me :(
