Thursday, September 5, 2013

Baby Hulk ~ What Happened to August!?

I said I would keep up with my posts over the summer...I don't know what has happened to the month of August! School has begun and my first child is in kindergarten! WHAT!?

Lets see if I can catch you up.

August 1st. I had plans for a big post because it's the beginning of world breastfeeding month and  I got right to getting over my fear of nursing in public by doing it at 503mph in a jet plane flying across the US! Baby Hulk's first time on a plane! We flew all the way to the other Washington! Our nation's capital and an excellent place to go to remind you why it's good to be an America! My hippy tendencies sometimes make it so I lose sight in the good. We didn't get to tour much. We were there for a family reunion. I got to meet family I had never even met and see some I haven't seen in years.

When we got home from our trip suddenly Baby Hulk could sit up on his own! It was pretty shocking. Then he started rolling back to his back again! I can't believe he is 9 months old already!!!

 He has gotten really good at feeding himself. Still no teeth but that doesn't stop him!
 I brought up that he didn't seem to realise he has opposable thumbs to Annie and she gave me some things I could do to help so now he can even grab tiny food like Cheerios. Mr. Grey got in big trouble the other day when a lego somehow ended up on Baby Hulk's playmat and Darling Husband had to fish it out of his mouth.

Speaking of Darling Husband, his event, South Sound Summer Jam was excellent! Everyone loved it! Stitches posted a little about it. She was really excited about the drifting part of it. I'll make sure to bring her to some events next year when it starts back up again.  I was a little disappointed in the venue. The people at South Sound Speedway were pretty gross (on the inside). I noticed when we got there how rudely the people at the gate were being to participants as they arrived. And then they tried to take the money from admissions! This is a charity event! You are trying to steal from a charity!?  So there was that and then the matter of the poor sportsmanship in the Evo group. I've talked about the awesome caravan of Evos from Darling Husbands previous meet & show. This huge group of Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution owners meet up and then roll in together. None of them came. I have no idea why but I really find it hard to believe that ALL of them were busy. I don't know if they were protesting the drifting or what., but this was the first of this new event and he is one person. There was still the car show, he can't cater to everyone!  Once again it was CHARITY though! Not just some meet where they get together and park their cars in a parking lot and take pictures for the hell of it. It was for a cause. If you can't tell that really steamed my broccoli. I really thought they were a cool group before but now they just seem kind of high school to me.** Despite their lack of support and the sliminess of the speedway Darling Husband still raised $6,850! I am so proud of him. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next year!

And now for some sad news. Baby Hulk has pink eye! Poor baby!
When we woke up yesterday to get Mr. Grey ready for his first day of school I noticed it was a little watery, then at the school it started getting goopy and he fussed when I tried to clean it. By the time we left the school it was getting red and suddenly there was a big glob of green goop. I thought I would get a nice day to relax but ended up spending the morning at the doctor's. His eye drops are working splendidly already, and I discovered a new trick to keeping up with them.
 4 times a day for 5 days, this way I can keep up!

August is over. The rain has started to sneak back in and the temperatures are dropping. I am ready for fall. I am ready to send the big kids to school, curl up on the couch with my sweet baby and enjoy the silence. Or the baby babbling, whichever one it is.

**these are my personal observations and not those of Darling Husband

1 comment:

  1. Almost 7 grand is awesome! Good for you for speaking your mind too. Interior ugly is the worst kind of ugly...
