Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pregnancy in One Dress (18 weeks)

I totally missed out on 16 weeks! There was quite a bit of crazy happening like Buttons becoming an auntie! And since Buttons is my photographer and owner of the chalkboard, we just had to skip it! Which kinda stinks because 16 weeks is when I first felt this baby move! And let me just say this kid is strong! Even my Darling Husband was able to feel it! I had my 18 week check up yesterday and my midwife looked skeptical of my tales of this strong baby. I think she just has a negative outlook on things anyways though. Did I mention that she told me not to even hope for a girl since I already have 2 boys!? I swear if this kid has a vagina I hope she is the one who delivers so I can do an in-yo-face dance. 

18 weeks!!! I can't believe it is going this fast! Okay! Truth moment... I should stop using so many exclamation marks because for some reason, I'm really not that excited... which is probably why things seem to be flying for me. I am feeling kind of apathetic about it all right now. I have no interest in thinking of baby names. I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I don't get super excited when baby moves. I don't think you could tell I feel this way without me actually telling you because I talk about my pregnancy a lot and I try to get friends and family to feel the baby move (since it seems to only perform for me and Russell), I take lots of pictures and look at baby stuff online but I do all that to try to make myself excited about it, I take pictures because I am worried I will regret it if I don't. Maybe it's because we aren't finding out the sex, or maybe I am just overwhelmed with the kids I have. I am certain when this baby is in my arms I will fall completely in love. But for now, that's it the honest truth... No lovely lies, no exclamation marks.

On the up side!!! My baby is the size of a pickle and I DO like pickles.... since being pregnant that is.. to tell you the truth I didn't really like them before unless it was with something but never before have I enjoyed eating lone pickles. Is it wrong that I was eating a pickle during this week's photoshoot?

(18 weeks baby's bones are hardening so I can feel lots of kicks!)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

But I Don't Have a Go-kart....

Russell hasn't been talking nonsense in his sleep too often. Lately it's just been the annoying "hey, whatcha doin'", "I'm just snuggle buggin'", "give me a kiss" business where he is actually talking to me it's just annoying because I'm usually reading and just want him to shut up... that goes something like this:
 "Shut up Russell"
"I just want a hug!"
"No you don't you're sleeping, go back to sleep"
"Why are you so being so mean?"
"Because I'm trying to read and you wont stop talking to me"
"But I want to talk to you!"
"No you don't! You are asleep and wont even remember this so shut up!"

Well tonight was a little different! Not to mention I hadn't started reading yet because my fetus made me take a late night (11pm) trip to the grocery store in search for marinated mozzarella and tomatoes... and yet I came home with peaches instead... anyways! So I hadn't started reading  yet and Sleeping Russell Says:

"Do yoooou....."
I was about to tell him to shut up and go back to bed but normally he doesn't ask actual questions or anything. Usually it starts with a "hey" or something but he was propped up on his elbows not looking at me or anything in particular so I decided I should see how it played out
"Do yoooou...run your motor dry?"
 I was like yay! Fun sleeping Russell is back! The only problem is I didn't know how to respond! I was hoping it was a work dream and he was on the phone with a customer and I just couldn't hear their end of the conversation.
"Do you run it dry often?...............Hey! Lady... "
Clearly I needed to respond because the lady on the phone was not!
 "What?" I ask.
 "On your go-kart do you ever run your motor dry?"
 "I don't know..." I say hesitantly... I have no idea what it means to run a motor dry! I was hoping maybe since I was "hey lady" he would just assume his phone conversation was with a lady who doesn't know cars.. but then again.. he was talking about a go-kart! Does the Nissan dealership deal with go-karts? Does Nissan even make go-karts!?

Well I guess that wasn't a good enough answer to keep the conversation going because sadly that was all. I am hoping this is the start of more conversations with sleeping Russell though!