Monday, October 8, 2012

Pregnancy in One Dress (30 weeks)

I can't believe I am 30 weeks already! Only 10 weeks left. Tops! Probably less. My children tend to take after me when it comes to patience. Mr. Grey was 3 days early and Lumps was 3 weeks early so I wouldn't be shocked if this kid arrived early as well.  Here I am! 30 weeks and the dress still fits, though I must say I am quite looking forward to getting my body back. I am feeling like quite the lard ass at the moment. I know I'm not, last I checked (2 weeks ago) I had only gained 14lbs... and that was after losing 7lbs at the beginning of this all. So... I shouldn't feel this fat but I do... 

I have another ultrasound scheduled for Friday. Normally my midwives only give 2 but remember that part back there where I said Lumps was 3 weeks early? Well that was because of some bit of random that I never knew could even happen! Did you know placenta's can die during the pregnancy!!!??? They are supposed to last for the full 40 weeks of pregnancy but sometimes they don't! Mine was at the point of needing hospice, it wasn't keeping up with all of its jobs anymore, and because of that my amniotic fluid level was low. I was set up for routine NST's (nonstress test) to monitor me and the baby and make sure everything was fine and if things got worse they would have had to induce me! The day they told me that I had a little conversation with Lumps right before bed that night.

 "Listen, I know it's not time yet but I don't want to be induced. The risks of needing an emergency c-section when you are induced are a little high for my liking so if you could come out as soon as you are developed enough to survive without medical assistance that would be great!"
My water broke at 2am! He was a very well behaved baby. Listening to his Mother already!

So! I get to see Baby Hulk again! I am pretty excited about that! I may have to do a special post for that if they give me any good pictures! I hope I will see you again in 2 weeks! It is pretty hard getting this done! The weekends we spend getting the house ready for this baby and then weekdays I've gotta get kids to school! I won't stop trying to get these posts up though!

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