Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Keep Forgetting! ~ Baby Hulk

I keep forgetting there is anything different about my little boy. I like this and I don't like it at the same time. I don't even see anything about him that really makes me think, my baby has down syndrome. The only thing physically I really feel would even alert anyone to his fanciness is his eyes and I forget that they even go along with it because they are so beautiful. Every time I look at him my heart explodes into a gooey mess of oh-my-gosh-he-is-so-cuteness, okay it doesn't really but it feels like it. When he oooohs and gooos at me I swoon, and when he smiles I die. So you see, with all this exploding and swooning and dying I am doing it is quite easy to forget. I think I said in an earlier blog... or maybe I just thought it... well, I wanted to be able to forget in the beginning. I was so upset that I couldn't get through a day where I didn't look at him and my heart would sink and I would think, my baby has down syndrome. I didn't want it to be all I could see. I was still having a hard time excepting what all that extra chromosome would mean. I still didn't know that much about it and that unknown scared me. Which is weird because I really like the unknown. I guess I just like to be able to pick and choose my unknowns and this one was just thrown at me.  I am okay with this unknown now.

I get nervous when I forget for too long though. I worry that I will forget so much that one day something bad will happen that is unmistakably because of the downs and it will just knock me down. I don't want to get too comfortable. This is just me though, getting too comfortable makes me nervous. That's when bad things happen. I need to keep myself grounded in all aspects of life or I will just float away and this beautiful boy of mine is filling me with helium.
Can I ask you a question? Almost everyone who knows about Baby Hulk tells me if anyone could handle this it is me and that they couldn't think of better parents for him than me and Darling Husband. I never would have thought this. In fact that was one of my first thoughts when he was born, this is a mistake, he can't be for me. I am impatient and stubborn and obnoxious, I procrastinate, and I never finish what I start. Is it just something you said to give me confidence since I didn't really have a choice? Everyone, family, long time friends, new friends and people I hardly know. How did you all know? Why was everyone else so certain I was so perfect for this?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playing Catch Up ~ Baby Hulk

I haven't gotten a blog post out for a while. Can you believe Baby Hulk is 3 months old today!!! I guess I better catch you up! It all started with the week of disaster. I think that's how I got so thrown off but because of the hilarity of my first bit of embarrassment of that week, I must share.

 I never am embarrassed by anything. I am embarrassing, I embarrass others but never myself! Well that was not true for that week. It started when Darling Husband went out with his friends for a late lunch and then brought them back with him. I was caught off guard by this and was sitting on the couch with my boob hanging out because Baby Hulk had fallen off and was sleeping and I just hadn't gotten around to putting it away. To add to this unfortunate situation I was watching Twilight of all things!!! So I was all flustered to see them coming in and I am pretty sure I flashed even more boob in my desperate attempt to cover them. Then to add to my embarrassment, after they had been visiting a while I noticed that after a load of delicates was done today my husband had hung all my fancy undies from the the chandelier in the dining room!!!! They were right there in everyone's line of vision so I gasped and then started uncomfortably laughing I just knew there was no way they missed it, so when they asked why I was laughing I decided to make it less awkward I would just tell the truth... well they HADN'T noticed! So I basically called myself out on it. Thank goodness they were at least my fancy undies instead of the granny panties and thank goodness I have kind friends to say things like "all they saw was how damn lucky your DH is!" Hahaha like I said, good thing granny panties can go in the drier! 

The week pretty much continued on this path only not in ways I could immediately laugh about like the panty chandelier. Mr Grey had a field trip that we were super late to and then I found out he actually had school BEFORE and his teacher gave me the disappointed teacher voice!!! Appointments all over the place, and the one I had been dreading the most. Baby Hulk's hip ultrasound. I was most afraid of this because I had to go alone. Darling Husband has to work, we have no money and I feel guilty asking Momma Pru to watch the boys so much. She has enough on her plate right now with her parents so I didn't want to bother her. But that's a whole other story, remind me to tell you about going to the horses funeral...

I took him to his 2mo appointment by myself, that sucked, he had to have 3 shots and he screamed so hard his face turned a lovely shade of fuchsia. He weighed only one pound more than he did at birth but at his weight check last week (2 weeks later) he had gained 10oz so that is pretty good. I have been stuffing my face trying to get enough calories in which is hard enough for me to do when I'm not breastfeeding! To add to my stress of trying to shove my face 2 days after his 2 month appointment I noticed blood in his poop! I called the doctors office that night and set up an appointment for the next morning. They told me it could be an allergy to the proteins in milk as this is when they typically show up. I had to either stop eating dairy or switch him to some special formula. To me there really was only one option, after all I went through with getting him to breastfeed I wasn't giving that up and giving him gross formula!  I'm already a vegetarian! I have nothing left! I now eat eggs burritos and spaghetti! I don't know what else to eat! I don't want to over do it with the soy so that really leaves me with nothing! But I am trying! I have an app on my phone to count calories. So strange to be using it to GAIN weight instead of losing after having a baby!

Then I got the reminder call for Baby Hulk's hip ultrasound, I was told it would be 90 minutes long and if baby was bottle fed to bring a bottle with me and if breast fed to be prepared to nurse baby afterwards... I was a little freaked. He is 2 months old he can go longer than 3 hours between feedings now.. so why did I need to be able to nurse him? I took this to mean that he would be VERY unhappy when it was over. So I was stressing about that appointment for days all the way up to it. Well it actually wasn't bad at all!  Baby Hulk did very well and once again good news, his hips are perfect. He even had his revenge for all the poking and prodding they did by pooping on their table! 

The appointments have finally calmed down now. We met with the lady from the Early Intervention program and his Physical Therapist came to see him. Last week we had to bring him in for a weigh in because he isn't gaining weight as he should be. 

Oh, it's been so long I am having a hard time remembering everything! Baby Hulk may have a thyroid problem but his pediatrician didn't seem too worried, she just told me we would have to check it again in a bit. I'm not too worried about it. Thyroid problems can easily be managed with medicine. Did you know this boy can roll over!? I know I know. I told you he could do it before and yeah he was rolling over but it was totally on accident. If you put him on his stomach now and sit behind him and talk to him he will roll over so he can see you. Still way early too! Apparently babies start rolling tummy to back as early as 4 months! Yeah.... unless they are AWESOME! Then they start at 2 months.

Okay I think that is it. I will try to get better with my posting. Catching up is way too hard and makes these things way too long!

**I was just informed the 12 weeks does not count as 3 months, stupid Romans, I am still designating this his 3 month because there is no 29th this February! So he would never get his 3 months!**